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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 39, Issue 3, pp. 687-1021

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Effective Transmission Conditions for Reaction-Diffusion Processes in Domains Separated by an Interface

Maria Neuss-Radu and Willi Jäger

pp. 687-720

Uniqueness Theorems for Stable Anisotropic Capillary Surfaces

Miyuki Koiso and Bennett Palmer

pp. 721-741

Navier–Stokes Equations Interacting with a Nonlinear Elastic Biofluid Shell

C. H. Arthur Cheng, Daniel Coutand, and Steve Shkoller

pp. 742-800

Classical Solutions for Nonelliptic Euler–Lagrange Equations via Continuation

Markus Lilli

pp. 801-818

Obstacle and Boundary Determination from Scattering Data

Gen Nakamura and Mourad Sini

pp. 819-837

On a Class of Nonconvex Bolza Problems Related to Blatz–Ko Elastic Materials

P. Celada and S. Perrotta

pp. 838-862

Incompressible Ionized Non-Newtonian Fluid Mixtures

Tomáš RoubÍček

pp. 863-890

Kinetic Formulation for a Parabolic Conservation Law. Application to Homogenization

Anne-Laure Dalibard

pp. 891-915

Bounds on Energy and Helicity Dissipation Rates of Approximate Deconvolution Models of Turbulence

William Layton

pp. 916-931

Spatial Dynamics Methods for Solitary Gravity-Capillary Water Waves with an Arbitrary Distribution of Vorticity

M. D. Groves and E. Wahlén

pp. 932-964

Well-Posedness Theory for a Nonconservative Burgers-Type System Arising in Dislocation Dynamics

Ahmad El Hajj

pp. 965-986

Homogenization of a Doubly Nonlinear Stefan-Type Problem

Augusto Visintin

pp. 987-1017

Erratum: “Global Solutions of Nonlinear Transport Equations for Chemosensitive Movement” [SIAM J. Math. Anal. 36 (2005), pp. 1177–1199]

Hyung Ju Hwang, Kyungkeun Kang, and Angela Stevens

pp. 1018-1021